Biotechnological Company

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The Significance of Blood Samples in Cancer Research

Research has always been the foundation for making groundbreaking discoveries, especially in the field of medicine. From the plethora of various diseases, illnesses, and vaccinations researchers from all over the world have attempted to crack the code by finding out how these issues can be solved. Today the fight continues to shed even more light with the insurmountable amount of cancer tissue information that has been gathered and further examined. Read the rest of this entry »

The Role of Fruit Flies in the Fight Against Cancer

You might not think of fruit flies as more than a household nuisance, but cancer researchers have big plans for these tiny creatures. Their value to science deals with the cancer tissues information that fruit flies provide. Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly is being used in a variety of ways. Not only can drosophila help researchers pinpoint cancer tissue but they also aid in the understanding of how cancer tissues form in the human body.

In January of 2014, German and Italian biologists from the University of Konstanz employed fruit flies to identify cancer tissue by scent. Honey bees and dogs have exhibited similar abilities, but this batch of fruit flies was genetically modified to give off a specific color signature for different types of breast cancer cells. The researchers allowed different scents to waft over the tiny insects and studied their reactions under the microscope. When the fruit flies encountered cancer tissue, the genetic modifications made their antennas glow. In this experiment, researchers were able to obtain cancer tissues information that could one day be used for early detection in actual patients and thus save human lives. Read the rest of this entry »

The Other Organ: Importance of Skin and Tissue Donations

While the general public is aware of the need for donations of such organs as hearts and kidneys, skin and tissue donations are also very important to medical science and research.

Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Many individuals are affected annually by cancers of the soft tissue, affecting the fat, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments, and fibrous tissues. In fact, there are currently more than 50 types of these cancers. Read the rest of this entry »