Providing the Right Cancer Tissues Information Will Streamline Your Biobanking

by ilsbio

One of the greatest things about biobanking is that it gives you access to a variety of diseased tissues — including cancer tissues — that would have otherwise been inaccessible due to normal limitations. As you know, cancer tissues can be extremely varied, so in order to make sure that you get the exact cancer tissues that you need from the biobank that you are working with, you need to have the correct cancer tissues information available to them. So that you do not overlook anything and accidentally end up with the wrong cancer tissues for your research, we are going to provide you with the following list of cancer tissues information that you should have prepared to furnish to the biobank.

Make sure that you are specifically requesting cancer tissues
This one may seem like a no-branier, but it is easy to get so wrapped up in making sure that you get the details right for a request for the delivery of a specific human tissue sample that you neglect to mention the fact that you need them to be cancer tissues — especially if the biobank you are working with works with a lot of cancer tissues (you should not assume this, as many biobanks work with both normal and diseased tissue samples). As trite as it may sound, makes sure to add “cancer tissues” to your list of cancer tissues information.

Be specific about what type of cancer you are requesting tissue samples for
As you know, cancer is not one disease. There are many types of cancers out there, so make sure that you are specific about that request.

Make it be known if you need matching normal adjacent tissue
If you need a more comprehensive study of both normal and cancerous tissue, it is possible to receive a human tissue sample that includes both. Obtaining a tissue sample such as this will exponentially improve the accuracy of your research results. If that is what you need, ask the biobank if they can fill a custom specimen collection order that includes this type of tissue sample.

If you need additional laboratory services, let the biobank know
Some biobank will offer additional laboratory services like tissue sectioning, custom tissue extractions, tissue microarrays and extraction microarrays. Be sure to take advantage of this, as it could streamline your lab’s research.

Preparing he aforementioned information will streamline your biobanking
Providing the biobank with the above cancer tissues information will make sure that you get the cancer tissues that you need for your research quickly and without a problem. This also ensures that you do not accidentally conduct any research using the wrong human tissue samples.

When you have the correct cancer tissues information ready and are in need of human tissue samples for your research, contact the ILSbio Integrated Laboratory Services organization. Thanks to their team of experienced medical and scientific experts and their expansive tissue collection network (the largest in the world), they have been a leader in biobanking for decades.