Biotechnological Company

Month: January, 2014

Detecting Cancer Tissue

Cancer can be broadly defined as a group of abnormal biological cells that can spread throughout the body and even lead to death. According to the The National Cancer Institute, close to 13.7 million Americans are living with cancer or have been affected by cancer in their lifetimes. The American Cancer Society reports that cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. Just in 2013 alone, over half a million people succumbed to cancer-related illnesses. That’s over 1,500 people a day. Some cancers are preventable since they are linked to tobacco use, radiation and chemicals we ingest. Other forms of cancer are hormonal or inherited through our genetic makeup. Read the rest of this entry »

Save a Life with Human Tissue Banks

While many individuals take out insurance for their health, home, car and even to provide for their loved ones after they are gone, there are other elements of insurance that are not necessarily protected simply by sending off a monthly service check. No matter the quality of health insurance, there are times where an individual needs certain blood types, transplants, skin grafts or other medical procedures that just simply are not covered, if the required tissue and blood are not available. For individuals who have a rare blood type, it is difficult to obtain a donor when the time calls for it. That is exactly the reason why human tissue banks are so desirable. The human tissue banks are available to anyone who wants to store tissue and medical information for safe keeping. There are different aspects to the human tissue banks and it is always possible for someone to donate at future times. All of this is going to be very important for some people, especially when it comes to possible medical procedures later on in life. Read the rest of this entry »